Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Reset instructions for Samsung Jack

Samsung Jack Hardreset Brought you by TheUnlock.ca

Sometimes there is a need to start fresh with your device.  Perhaps you just picked up the Jack from eBay or maybe you’re getting ready to list it for sale and want to clear off any personal details from the phone.  Or maybe, you’ve installed something and it’s your device un-usable. That should never be the case, but you never know, right?  If you want to start over, you need to perform what is called a "Hard Reset”.  This will wipe your device clean of any personal information and revert the device back to factory settings.  There are a couple ways to do this on the Samsung Jack.

Just to be clear, this article is talking about the AT&T Samsung Jack (SGH-i637) smartphone, also known as the Omnia Pro B7320.  If you are using a Rogers or Fido Samsung Jack, then and need to look at the hard reset instructions for the BlackJack II, which can be found here.

On the Samsung Jack, there are 2 types of reset options, Master Clear and Master Reset. The Master Reset function will reset the phone back to factory settings. The Master Clear option will reset the phone and wipe clean the user storage locations.  To access these options, you need to hit Start / Settings / Security and then select the reset method of your choice.  You will then be prompted for a reset password. Unless you have changed this value, the default is 0000 (four zero’s). Enter the reset password and you will be prompted to confirm the reset. If you picked the Master Clear, you will be prompted to select which user storage will be wiped.

If the Samsung Jack won’t boot or hangs just after booting, you can still perform a hard reset on the device.  From a powered off state, press the power button while holding down the “F” key on the keyboard. Keep holding down the “F” key until you see the format menu.  Here you will be prompted on which type of reset you are looking to do. Select 1 for Master Clear, or 2 for Master Reset and the device will be wiped accordingly.

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